As your local ELECTRICIAN IN LEDBURY, we offer a wide range of electrical services that benefit our domestic and commercial customers. Whether you need a consumer unit replacement, fault finding or a full commercial installation we are able to assist.
Electrical Inspections in Ledbury
Ledbury has many historic properties along with homes that are well over 10 years old.
Did you know that after an electrical installation is 10 years old in a private domestic property, it is strongly recommended by the Institute of Engineering and Technology that the property have its electrical system checked? With commercial installations it is required every 5 years!
Where older properties exist that have not had their electrical system inspected recently, dangers could exist in the system that may not show on the surface. Many electrical problems are potentially dangerous because they lie undetected such as lack of quality earthing.
Earthing is not used very often and is predominantly in place to protect against electric shock, overload, and fire. If the earthing is insufficient or broken, there is a good chance that this will not be detected during normal use of the electrical system.
When a secondary electrical fault develops that requires the earthing in order to turn the power off safely, the broken or poor earthing will then allow shocks and fire risk to occur.
Get the system checked
This is why it’s so important to have a professional electrician check over the wiring for you every ten years or so! With the age of some of the buildings in Ledbury, there are very likely to be electrics that have not been checked for some time.
You can check on the fuse box or consumer unit for a “Last Inspection Date” sticker. If it is out of date or missing then it is strongly advised you have the electrics checked.
As your local ELECTRICIAN IN LEDBURY, we are familiar with the buildings and wiring systems in the local area and well placed to carry out electrical checks for you.
Fuse Box Replacement in Ledbury
How long does a fuse box actually last? We explain more about this in our article but generally speaking around 20 years in domestic premises.
In commercial premises, components within the fuse box, distribution board or consumer unit can wear out more quickly due to heavier electrical loads being placed on the unit.
After around 20 years of use in a domestic premises, the consumer unit or fuse box can begin to wear out:
- Internal components can develop loose connection
- Corrosion can being to occur on metal parts
- High Electrical Resistances can develop
- Trip Switches may fail to operate correctly
- Wiring can become loose
There are many components that can fail or wear out and whilst minor repairs can be carried out when things fail, a consumer unit or fuse box that is over 20 years old is likely to need replacement soon.
In Ledbury there are a vast number of properties that are over 20 years old that may not have had their electrical system checked or consumer unit replaced. If you are at all worried about the condition of your wiring, the age of your consumer unit or any aspect of your domestic or commercial electrical system then just get in touch for friendly advice and a chat.
What are signs of a Failing Consumer Unit?
There can be many signs that a fuse box or consumer unit is beginning to fail and they include:
- Flickering Lights
- Switches that trip regularly
- Overheating
- Burning Smells
- Intermittent power to sockets
- Buzzing Noises
There are other signs that the unit may be failing that only electricians can detect with specialised test equipment and by visual inspection. If your fuse box or consumer unit is getting older it is a good idea to have Electrics Fixed to check this for you. As your local ELECTRICIAN IN LEDBURY, we are happy to assist and offer no obligation advice and quotes for any work that is needed.